All You Need to Know About Highlighting Your Hair
What do you do when you want to do something little to your hair? Highlighting can always be exciting, but then before you visit the...

How to Choose the Best Color for Your Hair?
Watch your vein under arm in natural light. You have warm tones if it appears green. If it is blue you are having a cool-toned skin. A...

Are Phthalates Toxic for the Human System?
One of the most commonly used chemicals in the world is phthalates. Over one billion pounds of phthalates are annually released in the...

Your Guide to All Natural Hair Care
Harsh shampoos generally dry and irritate your scalp. It would therefore be sensible to learn about the pH balance in the shampoo....

Why Should We Avoid Sulfates in Hair Care Products?
Although sulfates are common ingredient in many cosmetic and cleaning products including shampoos and conditioners, studies have...

Valuable Benefits of Hibiscus for Hair Care
There are several natural ingredients which can do amazing things for your hair. Hibiscus is one of them. Hibiscus can promote growth of...

Three Common Conditions Which Can Marr Our Scalp Health
It may be something more than dandruff if you find that you are constantly scratching your scalp. Causes of itchy scalp can be many, from...

What You Need to Know About Healthy Hair Dye
All hair color is not clean. Even the most branded labels claiming herbal, organic or natural may contain serious toxic chemicals. We all...

Ways to Save Your Hair from Hard Water
Hard-Water can be a great hazard to hair health if this is what you are getting in your area. In such instances your hair can be a part...

What it Means to Have an Itchy Scalp?
Most people focus on flakes when it comes to dandruff. However, itching happens to be the most uncomfortable side effect of this...

Why Should We be Avoiding Synthetic Fragrances?
Yes, we should be avoid synthetic fragrances although they smell delightful. You’d be less likely to be impressed if you saw how...

Wonderful Benefits and Uses of Witch Hazel
Did you know that witch hazel is good for your scalp and hair? What we know now is that witch hazel is helpful in drying out excessive...